News and Updates



1. Pandemic Risk Insurance Act (PRIA)
  •  On February 23, Republicans on the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services held a virtual roundtable on future pandemic risk
    • ECA submitted a statement for the record highlighting the importance of restoring communicable disease coverage within event cancellation insurance.
    • The American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) testified at the event, and the Business Continuity Coalition, of which ECA and ASAE are members, also submitted a statement for the record
  • MarketWatch recently highlighted ECA in an article on the ongoing return of business events and need for communicable disease coverage going forward
2. MUSIC Act / small business relief legislation
  • Last week, Congress passed a continuing resolution to extend the deadline fund the federal government for fiscal year 2022 until March 11
    •  Sens. Ben Cardin (D-MD) and Roger Wicker (R-MS) continue to push to attach a $48 billion small business relief bill, including the MUSIC Act, onto government funding legislation, though there are emerging priorities that may also require additional funds
      • President Biden has requested $30 billion in additional COVID-19 funding
      • It is anticipated Congress will also need to appropriate billions of dollars in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine
  •  ECA continues to work with its Congressional champions to ensure the MUSIC Act is part of any supplemental small business relief package taken up by Congress in the coming weeks
    • ECA would like to thank Trade Show Executive for its recent article highlighting our recent Small Business Advocacy Week and MUSIC Act advocacy efforts
    •  In addition, ECA board member Chris Griffin and Tommy Goodwin were featured on The Don & Mike Show podcast to talk about the latest regarding industry advocacy
3. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) rulemaking on business impersonation fraud
  • On February 15, ECA joined the Consumer Technology Association and others in responding to the FTC’s advance notice of proposed rulemaking on business impersonation fraud
    • The business events industry continues to be targeted by various fraudulent scam efforts including hotel reservation scams and attendee list sale scams
    • ECA called on the FTC to (1) establish a rule prohibiting the deceptive impersonation of a business or non-profit and (2) increase education to consumers, businesses, and other stakeholders on the dangers of business impersonation fraud